Senior Art Director

Didier Kébreau

I'm a well-rounded art director with more than ten years of experience helping B2B and B2C businesses.

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1999 - 2000
Bachelors of Science in Studio Art

Florida State University

1994 - 1998
Associates in Art

Broward Community College


2018 - Current
GDA Wins
Senior Art Director

I design for print, digital, and branding for political and advocacy clients.

2016 - 2018
Berlin Rosen/Top Prospect
Freelance Designer

I was a freelancer designer for political direct-mail and digital design for companies located in NYC and CT.

2015 - 2016
Fosina Marketing Group
Art Director

I art directed for B2B businesses ranging from print design to front-end development. I also managed a small team of associates for social media and email marketing.


Print Design

Designing and branding for political/advocacy direct-mail. Brochures and annual reports are also within my wheel house.

Web Design

Digital design and front-end development using Bootstrap, Foundation, HTML, and basic Javascript/JQuery.

Video Editing

I'm adept at animated social media and political video ads. I also work on music videos and short films using Adobe Suite.

Web Design

Malbert Media is a direct mail political firm client that needed a one page website, (, and I was happy to oblige. They needed to present their direct mail samples, team information and most importantly, the abilty to contact them for services.

BUILD sample desktop image

My Employers, GDA Wins tasked me with building a simple landing page ( for one of our clients. The client basically wanted to capture emails in order to provide updates to Virginians who wanted to keep up with current policies effecting their families. The client also wanted Virginians to keep up with residential tax rates, and to ensure that businesses paid their fair share.

BUILD sample desktop image

Education Dynamics hired me to work on their UI/UX for The problem they were trying to solve was basically minimizing the clutter that the grad school website had caused by too much copy. By choosing a lighter font, breaking up the copy with graphic elements, and adding white space among other things. We were able to provide their customers with an easy navigatable website. A style guide link has also been added.

DESIGN sample desktop image

Henkel hired me as a freelance designer to help with creating marketing materials and digital work. I had the pleasure to work with brands such as Right Guard, All, Snuggle, and Combat Bugs. One of my favorite projects that I was tasked at was prototyping Combat's website using HTML, CSS, and basic Javascript/JQuery. Although the design (Colors, fonts, etc) has been given a face lift, the UI/UX of the site remains the same. The prototype link has been added below.

UI/UX sample desktop image

As a freelance designer, I was hired by Aupair America to design and build landing page templates using HTML, CSS, Javascript/JQuery, and Bootstrap. I created about 10 templates all together. I have added two samples below, prototype 1 and 2.

Aupair sample desktop image

As a freelance designer, I was hired by Summer Institute for the Gifted to design and build landing page templates using HTML, CSS, Javascript/JQuery, and Bootstrap. I have added a sample below, prototype. This project was also under Aupair America.

SIG sample desktop image