Get A Head Start On Your Future

Enriching minds where creativity thrives...
and other great reasons to choose SIG!

Why Choose SIG

SIG designs a multi-week program that combines challenging academics with social, cultural, and recreational opportunities

SIG Programs

SIG offers unique programming for gifted and talented students ages 5-17 during the summer and school year.


SIG is an exciting not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to celebrating and advancing the abilities of gifted students.

Watch the video

SIG Student Activities

Student activities enhance the challenging academic curriculum through additional social and cultural interaction. These activities include:

Success Stories

“ It was a wonderful college experience with meaningful classes. The campus gave me the chance to explore into depth the interests I had. ”



“ I came up with this idea of a "Self-Disinfecting Hazmat Suit" for healthcare workers while watching Ebola coverage on television. I wanted to help doctors and nurses treating Ebola patients to be better protected from contracting the disease themselves. ”



Mom stated, “ My daughter felt extremely happy, and I feel it has to do with the diversity of the student body and staff. ”



Fun Facts

33 Years Experience
7 Days a Week Availability
70 % American Students
30 % International Students

Get In Touch

Reach out if you need even more information or you just want to say Hi.

Contact Info

  • 1 High Ridge Park
    Stamford, CT 06905
  • (866) 303-4744

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